Resources to get money and time back

Resources to get money and time back

Our free service finds programs for older adults and their families that can pay for transportation, safety devices, and more. Personalized to your loved one's health insurance and zipcode.

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Trusted by thousands of families.

Trusted by thousands of families.

Find savings in minutes

Did you know that $30 billion in elder care resources are left unused every year? Our expert-designed platform searches thousands of insurance plan documents and local organizations to find you personalized recommendations that make aging more affordable - like transportation services, delivered meals, and more.

Local resources, tailored your needs

Local resources, tailored your needs

Instead of endless hours searching online, get a tailored list of benefits that you and your family are already qualified for.

On-demand, expert answers

On-demand, expert answers

Get instant answers from our expert-designed AI platform, and go deeper with our team of resource specialists.

One place for all your benefits questions

One place for all your benefits questions

Get evidence-based and personalized resources for older adults and your family.

Get evidence-based and personalized resources for older adults and your family.

  • "What are resources for supporting someone who has mobility issues?"

  • "Does my plan cover mental health support?"

  • "What type of respite care is covered?"

  • "Are there any meal delivery plans in my area?"

How it works

How it works

Share a bit about yourself

Answer basic questions about your family, insurance and goals.

Get personalized responses

Our service searches through thousands of insurance and local resources to help you find the most relevant ones for you.

Receive ongoing support

Stay on track with check-ins and reminders, or ask new questions anytime.

For families like you

For families like you


68, Tampa, FL

"I was able to get connected with a meal delivery program - now my spouse and I save hours and require fewer trips to the grocery store."


81, Sommerville, MA

"I realized I was eligible for subsidized physical therapy sessions, a decision that has proven to to be invaluable to my health and vitality."


73, Cincinnati, OH

"My family and I felt safer after I helped find an emergency system that was covered by insurance."

Our aging experts, ready to help

Our aging experts, ready to help

Emily, RN

Registered Nurse with 12+ years of nursing experience supporting caregivers and patients.

Joseph, MSN, NP-C

Geriatric and Behavioral Health Nurse Practitioner with over a decade supporting safe at-home-aging.

You deserve support

You deserve support

Join today and tap into a wealth of resources designed for older adults like you.

Join today and tap into a wealth of resources designed for older adults like you.

© 2023. All rights reserved. Communa Labs, Inc
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