Welcome to the Communa Health Pilot!

The Communa Health Caregiver Support Pilot is an on-demand service where caregivers can get personalized, on-demand advice from a licensed nursing team with a background with supporting older adults and their family caregivers.

As a pilot participant, you can text our nursing team anytime with everyday questions around caregiving, like nutrition and diet, safety at home, and caregiver support resources.

Ask us anything

We’re here to support your everyday questions around supporting a senior loved one. Examples:

  • Improving safety in-house - "What are tips to keep grandpa safe living at home?"

  • Nutrition and diet - "What are ways to help grandma keep on weight?"

  • Caregiving support resources - "How are local resources to save time as a caregiver?"

  • Patient advocacy - "What are ways better communicate my family’s needs to dad’s doctor?"




Is there any cost to the program?

No, it will be free for pilot participants. And there is no financial obligation to continue on if there is another program after the pilot.

Who will be answering the questions?

Your questions will be answered by a real-life, clinical team comprised of licensed nurses with backgrounds in supporting older adults and their family caregivers in outpatient and at-home settings. If selected into the pilot, we will share more details about the individuals you will be communicating with.

Can I call the nurse?

For the pilot, we will primarily focus on text and messaging (which includes attaching photos, videos and voice messages if that’d be helpful). Based on participant feedback, we may consider adding other options as well. Note: This pilot service is not intended to offer medical advice or take the place of any primary care, emergency, or urgent care services. All emergency questions should be immediately directed to 9-1-1.

How long will the pilot last for?

The pilot will be available for 4-8 weeks, possibly longer.

Will my information be secure?

The health information you share during the intake process will be collected via a HIPAA compliant forms service.

What do I do if I have any questions?

Please email help@communahealth.com